1. Start the Finder.
2. Shift+Command+G
3. Type ~/.config
a) There should be a directory EquiomLabs under ~/.config.
- Delete the directory.
b) If the Finder failed to locate the ~/.config directory, which might happen if you have done an automatic operating system upgrade and a new user is created with settings (and applications) migrated from the old operating system.
- Start the Terminal application in the Applications/Utilities folder.
- Type:
cd ~/
mkdir .config
The above commands should create the ~/.config directory that StyleGuard needs to store its data. You might be for your admin password when executing the mkdir command.
4. If you have a version of StyleGuard before Jan. 1, 2014, Please download and reinstall a newer version of StyleGuard.
5. Restart StyleGuard.
6. You will need to reactivate the AP style collection again.