Follow the instructions below to uninstall StyleGuard for Word, based on your particular operating system and before installing your updated version of StyleGuard for Word. (Windows 7 or Windows XP)
For Windows 7
- Locate the “Program and Features” control panel application.
- Click the “Windows” button
to bring up the app panel.
- Find on the right side navigation an entry for “Control Panel”
- Expand the list and find “Program and Features” drop down menu option.
- Expand the list and find “Program and Features” drop down menu option.
Alternative Method:
- Click the “Windows” button
to bring up the app panel.
- In the Search Box, type in “Control Panel” and click the search icon.
- Find and click on the Programs and Features item
- Click the “Windows” button
- In the program listing, find the entry for your particular StyleGuard product.
- For V1.x users, the program name will be “Equiom StyleGuard”
- For V2.x users, the program name will be “StyleGuard for Word”
- For V1.x users, the program name will be “Equiom StyleGuard”
- On the top of the display listing, click the “Uninstall” button.
- When the confirmation dialog appears, click “Yes” to uninstall StyleGuard for Word
- StyleGuard for Word will then be uninstalled and removed from your system.
For Windows XP
- Locate the Control Panel Start Menu Option
- Click the “Windows” button
to bring up the app panel.
- Find on the right side navigation an entry for “Control Panel” and click on the image to launch the Control Panel application.
- Find on the right side navigation an entry for “Control Panel” and click on the image to launch the Control Panel application.
- In the Control Panel window, locate and double click the icon for “Add or Remove Programs”
- Click the “Windows” button
- Find the appropriate entry for the StyleGuard for Word program.
- For V1.x users, the program name will be ““Equiom StyleGuard”.
- For V2.x users, the program name will be “StyleGuard for Word”.
- Select the item and click “Remove” to uninstall the program.
- Follow the instructions and answer “Yes” when prompted to confirm that you want to remove this program from your computer.
- StyleGuard for Word will then be uninstalled and removed from your system.