During installation, StyleGuard sets up keys in the installing user’s registry, which are not accessible by other users of the computer. This will prevent other users from using StyleGuard even though StyleGuard is installed.
Please follow these steps to install StyleGuard for users with non-administrator privileges:
a) Download the appropriate installer program at https://styleguard.com/downloads and save it on your computer.
On Windows 7:
1. Run the installer program.
2. Supply the username and password of the user who has administrator privileges when prompted. (Note: The prompt should appear twice.)
On Window XP and Windows 8:
1. Run the installer program using the “Run as” command and supply the username and password of the user who has administrator privileges.
2. After installing StyleGuard, download the tool: https://styleguard.com/download/SGRegTool.exe
3. Run SGRegTool.exe using the “Run as ” command and supply the username and password of the user who has administrator privileges.
a. Click “Save Current User StyleGuard Setting”
b. Click OK, if necessary, until you see the “Registry keys saved to:” dialog:
4. Run SGRegTool.exe (as the current user, who will be using StyleGuard).
a. Click “Import Saved StyleGuard Setting”
b. Click Yes and OK, if necessary, until you see the “Registry keys imported from:”dialog:
Note: For Windows XP and Windows 8, an alternative is to log in as the user with administrator privileges and run the steps that require “Run as …” then log in as the user who will be using StyleGuard and run the last step to “Import Saved StyleGuard Settings.”
b) Start Microsoft Word and activate “AP Stylebook” to start using StyleGuard.